
Friday, March 15, 2013

ALEC Legislation - Misleads Public - Has Pro-Corporate Bias

One of the things that I always find troublesome when reading articles written by people who are not fully "educated about ALEC" is their tendency to skim the legislation and not read it thoroughly and then not understand the full nastiness of the legislation in regards to ALEC corporations.

Because of this error - sometimes people walk away from reading ALEC "model legislation" thinking well that doesn't sound so bad - when in fact the end result of the "model legislation" can be truly horrific to the country and our citizens.

Sometimes people who are not "educated about ALEC" will only look at the title of ALEC "model legislation" thinking - "That sounds good." - when in fact the end result of the "model legislation" can be truly horrific to the country and our citizens.

It is important for the general public to realize that ALEC legislation is BIASED
Most all of ALEC "model legislation" is Pro-corporate legislation.

All ALEC policy agendas are driven by ALEC's core beliefs of 
free-market enterprise
limited government 

People who are "educated about ALEC" realize that the main focus of almost all of the ALEC "model legislation" is to provide financial benefit to ALEC corporations through the use of legislation.

People who are "educated about ALEC" realize that ALEC's ideas, policies or proposed legislation are ultra-conservative in nature, pro-corporate and do NOT reflect a bi-partisan stance.  

Historically it has NOT ALEC's mission to advance, and  represent the values and positions of all.
Historically it has been ALEC's mission to advance one ideology - ALEC's.
And nothing has changed.
The financial benefit provided to ALEC corporations through ALEC "model legislation" may be achieved by
   Providing new revenue streams through privatization of government services
   Providing new revenue streams through the sale of the public commons to
       corporations for corporate revenue generation
   Providing reduced corporate costs through elimination of unions
   Providing reduced corporate costs through elimination of necessary regulation
   Increase corporate revenue streams and decreased corporate costs through
        the elimination of legal recourse against ALEC corporations for intentional
        and unintentional crimes against people - through products and services
        that harm and kill people.

People who are not "educated about ALEC",
are not aware of the ALEC bias to promote business profit and kill government that is endemic to the "model legislation" of the American Legislative Exchange Council; a bias repeatedly promoted as ALEC's core philosophies.

Because of that, people who are not "educated about ALEC" have a tendency to misunderstand the true and horrific nature of the true purpose of ALEC legislation - which is to benefit corporations - through increased revenue and decreased costs at the detriment of the the public commons and the citizens of the US and the world.

Take the time to read the reviews of the true purpose of ALEC legislation.
Educate yourself on ALEC legislation

There are wonderful articles about the dangers of ALEC legislation
on ALEC Exposed

There are specific pages dedicated to educating you on the true nastiness of ALEC legislation at the links below:









All ALEC policy agendas are driven by 
ALEC's ultra-conservative,  biased core beliefs of 
free-market enterprise
limited government  

ALEC's core beliefs
do not include YOU!!!! 

Don't be a fool when it comes to ALEC legislation.
That is what ALEC uses as their main tool against the US
That is what ALEC depends on
- people's ignorance about what ALEC does and what ALEC stand for.

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